Friday, January 4, 2008


It's been a while since a new update, but that's because we've been doing stuff instead of writing about it. We went to our school board meeting and spoke during the community comments section. Apparently our speech is cycling around on MMCTV (Mount Mansfield Community Television) which is Adelphia Cable Channel 15 in Richmond, Jericho, Underhill and Jonesville. I'll see if I can somehow get a copy of that. We are on the agenda for January 24th to discuss recruiting policies in our schools district, definately more to come about the school board presentation.
Yesterday I got a letter back from Senator Sanders about our petition, NCLB and recruiting.

It's a start...and the petition is circulating at other schools who will send their copies in too.

Other Things we're doing:
-we will be at the Democracy Fair in Waitsfield, VT from 4-6pm on Jan.12. There will be great movies and music and tables, so please come!
-there's going to be a speaking tour for the "Out of our Schools, Out of Iraq" through VT highschools (I'll post schedule once we have one...)
-our Peace Club baked bread and donated 24 loaves to the Burlington Food shelf over the holiday break.
-One of our members just finished a movie on recruiting in schools, I'll see if we can get that up here soon.
-Continual counter-recruitment tabling at our school

1 comment:

The Compass Rose said...

Yay Phobes! Always nice to get a supportive letter from your senator, huh?